Tuesday, April 1, 2014
Today marks the beginning of Lenten Season, a season for prayer, fasting and abstinence. Today we catholics mark ourselves with the blessed ashes as a sign of our commitment to repentance. The ashes reminds us of our humble beginning - "from dust to dust." This calls for humility that in truth we have nothing to be boast of for we are simple dust. And yet in an unimaginable kindness and generosity God made us into his own image and likeness. Yes, whatever achievements we have, wherever pedestals of success we have achived, or the happiness we felt, they all come from God.Let us be sincere then in our repentance for the times when we feel we are powerful and oppressed the simple, when we boast of our life and mocked the poor, when we have everything and yet lost God.Today, once again, He calls you to Himself, to trust and depend on Him. Amen.
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