Matthew 1: 18-25
"do not be afraid..."
Often, we want things to be in place, in order, according to our plans. But sometimes, God's plan is totally opposite to our own plans. Then we start to run away from situations that we think could harm or destroy us. And we say, "no surprises, Lord!"
At fist, Joseph's plan was to run away from Mary. His intention was to save Mary from humiliation and possibly, death. But God has another plan for him. God's plan was beyond his dreams, much better than his first plan.
When our plans fail, it doesn't mean that we are a failure. When we are left with no option because of some difficult situation, it doesn't mean that we are out of track. You see, sometimes, we just have to trust that everything happens for a reason. We have to believe that God has better plans for us. It might not be easy. Our options may not be according to our own plan, but rest assured that everything will be okay.
Some decisions will no be easy. But still, do not be afraid. God's plans, his ways, his paths are already secure. We may not understand our situations today, the pain, the injustice, infidelities, the negative opinion from other people, but if we just trust God, all will be well, in God's perfect time.
Keep reminding yourself, everything happens for a reason.
God bless!
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