Luke 5: 27-32
“I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance."We are always invited by God to follow him. It is not because we are worthy but because he wants us to realize that wherever we are, whatever we do, whoever we are, he comes to us and invites us. “Follow me.” In the Gospel, Levi made a great feast in his house but the truth is, when God is with us, in our life, in our hearts, then great feast begins. Where do you see yourself at this moment of your life? He invites us to come and dine with him; leaving our old selves and share his banquet. This is not surprising since God presence is always a celebration, a feast. In this season of LENT, we are invited to come and follow him and not our own selves. Following Jesus means leaving behind everything and placing our steps to God. But this can be made real only when we first accept who we truly are – unworthy, selfish, sinners – the sick who need God’s lead and hand.
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