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Let go and let God.

December 20, 2019
Luke 1:26-48
"I am the servant of the Lord..."

Yes, we all want our life to be comfortable. We don't want pain because for many of us it is a disadvantage, an unfortunate situation, a malady and a curse. That is why, when problems come, we immediately ask God to take them all away.

Today's gospel shows us the faith of Mary to accept the plan of God even if it's very difficult. She faced all those fears, the disgrace to her family and all the uncertainties that life will offer. She knew that if she will accept the message of the angel, her life will not be easy. And yet Mary believed that to serve the Lord was her calling. And her life totally changed.

When life becomes strange and difficult, when your plans are hitting the wrong edges, when your prayers remain unanswered, when people are becoming negative even if you are doing the right thing, hold your head up high. Listen to the sound of your heart. Let go and let God. You will never know that after the pain and struggles your blessings will come a hundredfold.

Let go. Let God take control. And He will bring you to places, situations, relationship you've never ever imagined in your life.

God bless!
