Matthew 23: 1-12 Reflection
Why do we have to be humble? Isn’t it too demeaning at times when people simply look at us as weak, fearful, indecisive individuals because of humility? Well, because that’s what God is and He wants us to be like Him. We are told not to be called ‘rabbi’ or ‘master’ for only God bears these names. Yet, why are we at times tempted to be recognized as ‘rabbis’ and ‘masters’? But why is t too hard for us to be simply humble? Well, because these titles could mean a lot to us; they make us powerful, influential - they literally make us humans.We usually understand “titles’ as having control of everything. And as human beings, we want something or someone behind us, or below us. These are our source of power against insecurity. And we give our best to bring together all titles that we can get. These make us more human. In this way, we fulfil the longing of our human desire. Unfortunately, these titles cannot really make us human, they dehumanizes us in a way. For when we are too focused on our own future, that’s when we forget the needs of other people.
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