Matthew 6: 7-15
Prayer can mean only two things: “Help me Lord” and “Thank you Lord.” When we are having a hard time in life because of family or personal problems, mistakes and failures in the past, our “dis-eases,” and other factors what makes us too weak and needy, we usually pray “Help me Lord.” But when life seems too light and happy because of the presence of our loving family and friends, our work achievements, our financial stability, etc. then our prayer becomes “Thank you Lord.” And in most instances, we pray both because of the intertwining good and not-so good experiences. But what most people overlook at times is that prayer is NOT simply a noun or a verb. In a deeper reflection, prayer should be “persons.” Some spiritual writers would describe this as “PRAY-ers.”Meaning, by our life, we should reflect to others as the living prayers. In that sense, prayer is not anymore separate from us but it becomes you, me, us. Because the whole point of prayer is not simply to help us understand God, or help us in our needs but to make us like God and one day be ONE with Him.
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