Today is third Sunday of advent which is also known in Latin as gaudete or rejoice sunday. This is a special sunday because our readings speak boldly the message of gladness and rejoicing in the coming of the Lord.In the first reading, for example, prophet Zephaniah invites god's people to rejoice in the lord for he is coming as a mighty conqueror, a mighty savior. He will come and turn away their enemies. He is their king who will be in their midst. The image of a conqueror, saviour or a king is very powerful during the time of the propehts. For Zephaniah, This is an assurance to the promise of salvation and redemption, A promise of bountiful blessings, of strength and triumph they have longed for. And now it is nearing to its fulfillment.
In the second reading, St Paul repeats the message, "rejoice in the lord always." St paul invites the philippians to turn their fears into joy and galdness. They ahve to rejoice for god will secure their hears and minds. They have to fear no more. These were the words of thankfulness and gladness of st Paul For even he was imprisoned while writing the letter to the Philippians his joy was still abounding knowing that the lord is near, that the lord is coming for his people to save and rescue them from sadness and sinfulness. He comes to rule over the darkness and loneliness in our lives and transform it into light and pure joy.
The same theme of rejoicing is emphasized In our gospel. many came to see john the baptist and asked him what shall they do. Those who came to him were seen as outcasts by the Jewish people and yet John welcomed them. So this shows that the message of god, the good news is for everyone who are willing to listen and follow the lord. Rejoice in the lord always. God will come to teach and guide those who are willing to listen and follow him. He will speak to them how to live their lives. He will come with might in his hands but full of love and compassion in his heart.
What shall we do then to be found by the lord rejoicing when he comes? Luke tells us three things. One we should be concerned of our brothers and sisters especially those who are lacking and in need. Tis means we have to set aside our self-centeredness and search to aid those who are having misfortunes in life. Second, we have to be just to others. Not corrupting and exploiting the rights and love of others. Third, luke tells Us that we have to find contentment as an important virtue in life. We have to Learn to appreciate what we have, what god has blessed us with, family, relationship, career, friends, faith, presence and love.
As we continue in our advent journey, we pray to the lord to grace us with enough courage and strength to be ready in his coming. And as we pray may our hearts and lives be filled with rejoicing and gladness making known the love of god for his people. I say it once again, rejoice in the lord always. Rejoice.
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