Today's feast of the Holy Family was instituted by Pope Leo XIII in 1893 on the Sunday within the Octave of the Christmas. It falls on the first sunday after Christmas. The Holy family is the name given to the family unit of jesus: the divine son of god jesus, his moth the virgin Mary and her most chaste spouse Joseph.
The Feast of the Holy Family is not just about the Holy Family, but about our own families too. The main purpose of the Feast is to present the Holy Family as the model for all Christian families, and for domestic life in general.
In our first reading, sirach instructs us that every family must be built in love and respect; rooted in the Fatherly love image of god. He tells us that to take care of our family, of parents will bring good things in life. It releases us from sin, live longer, and be remembered forever.
In the second reading from Paul to the Colossians, Paul encourages the Colossians that a family must be built in love, compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. Each much show love and concern for each other. Husbands must love their wives, wives must do the same. This shows to Paul that these things will help make a better and stronger family. When someone is able to forgive when someone fails, when he loves when someone has done wrong, that's the spirit of family.
In our gospel, the family of jesus gives us the role of obedience in every family. Obedience is an act of love and respect. Jesus was obedient to the father, Mary was obedient to her husband Joseph, Joseph was obedient to the angel telling him to bring his family to Egypt.
Similarly, it is this same obedience that our lord came into the world, suffered, died and rose again to save us from our sins. This same obedience made the lord fulfill his mission and continues even until today.
God is reminding us that we have to do the same. We have to be obedient with one another and especially to god. And this begins in our own families. The family which is the haven of culture, pricnciple, morality and faith. It is also in the family that one learns the idea of love, obedience, sacrifice, kindness, and the like.
May The holy family that we celebrate today give us the inspiration to nurture our own family.
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