My grandfather died at the age of 97, Alejandro L. Saniel, Sr. A veteran soldier, wide reader, a good husband, a caring father to his 11 children and a loving grandfather to his apos.I am so blessed to have him, my dearest and loving lolo.His strong yet meek personality, his thoughtfulness and generosity, sincerity and all his simple smiles and laughters, one can never find so long decades.He fears no one except to his wife, my late grandmother Celerina S. Saniel because thats how he truly loves her.He grew older each day without any bitterness in his heart. He loved everything, his tilapia everyday meal na may gatas na anlene and rice. He has his pension money from his retirement as a veteran and everytime someone will ask him for money, my lolo without any doubt would be as generous as any person can be. He is so generous in everything. He will surely spend time with his apos and children when they visit him even if that means excusing his siesta rest. Because for him, what truly matters is his family.My lolo lived a simple life. I never heard him demanding anything. Never heard him complaining. Never heard him hating. He just sits on his chair and watch channel 2 and other entertainments, sits outside the porch reads the daily newspaper or books and on his side his cup for his phlegm. Everytime I come home and visit him, he will really find time talking with me, asking me where I am assigned, how am I doing, when I am coming back. Even if he is already in bed, he would really get up and go out of his room to see me.You will surely be missed, lo. I know you have also been so blessed and felt so much happiness especially in your last years. You've been to many places, met great people, shared so much time with your family. Now I know you'll be in God's place you've ever imagined your whole life. Lola will be there with you and you parents and uncle jun. And the happiness you will embrace will be unimaginable.Please watch over us always, lo. And please do pray for us, as what you've been doing for your entire life.
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